First general elections were held in 1937.Formation of Congress ministry.
Resignation of the Congress ministries after the outbreak of the World War II.
Subhas Chandra Bose resigned from Congress membership and formed the Forward
Block in 1939.Escape of Bose from India and organization of Indian National
In 1934 India Government Bill was introduced in the Parliament and on 2nd
August 1935 passed by the British parliament and on 4th August 1935 got royal
In June 1937, A Abbott and S.H Wood submit their report on technical
education in India.
In Oct 1937, Gandhiji formulated Wardha Educational Scheme.
In August 1940 Congress rejected August offer.
Individual Civil Disobedience Movement started in 1940.
In 1942 –Cripps Mission arrived in India offering Dominion Status to India
and setting up of a Constituent Assembly and in
April 1942 C.Rajagopalachari
formula was proposed.
In August 1942 Congress session started in Bombay and on 11 August the Quit
India Movement started.
Divide and Quit slogan at the Karachi Session (1944) of the Muslim league.